WTFRecepie - Bulgur com pepitas de chocolate | Bulgur with dark chocolate

Bulgur com laranja, agriões, feta e pepitas de chocolate preto

2 copos de bulgur
2 laranjas
1 dente de alho picado
2 cháv. de agriões150g de queijo feta aos cubos
100g de pepitas de chocolate
Azeite q.b.
Sal e pimenta q.b.
Vinagre de framboesa ou laranja q.b.

1º Cozinhe o bulgur conforme as instruções da embalagem. Enquanto espera, descasque e corte a laranja em fatias finas.

2º Numa saladeira ou prato grande, misture o bulgur, a laranja, o alho, o feta, os agriões e tempere a gosto com sal, pimenta, azeite e vinagre.

3º Antes de servir polvilhe com as pepitas de chocolate e sirva de imediato.

Bom Apetite
Bulgur with orange, watercress, feta and chips of dark chocolate

2 cups of bulgur
2 oranges
1 clove garlic, minced
2 cups of watercress
150g of feta cheese into cubes
100g of chocolate chips
olive oil q.s.
Salt and pepper q.s.
Raspberry vinegar or orange q.s.

1. Cook the bulgur according to package directions. While waiting, peel and cut the orange into thin slices.

2. In a salad bowl or large plate, combine the bulgur, orange, garlic, feta, watercress and season to taste with salt, pepper, olive oil and vinegar.

3. Before serving, sprinkle with chocolate chips and serve immediately.

Bon Appetite
